Quantcast Chronicles of a Brooklyn Middle Class Mommy: Do I qualify for anything?

December 24, 2010

Do I qualify for anything?

I was so excited to finally have found a new gig that I didn’t think about the important details such as INSURANCE.  Yes, I knew I was pregnant, and Yes I knew that insurance was important but I also thought, for a split second, that benefits kick in immediately at all companies…WRONG!
My Aunt asked if I inquired about their benefits policy and I said yes because I did in fact ask and my soon-to-be boss said “30 days”.  I was ok with the company’s 30 day policy because I was only 4 weeks prego at the time and could hold off on my second doctor’s appointment.  But when I made the call to Oxford to confirm I found out two very important things…
1.) Benefits are not active until Dec1 (90 days from my start date)
2.) The plan is Oxford Liberty which meant that I can no longer use my current OB/GYN because they do not accept my Oxford Libery.
If I could replay every emotion that was running thru my body at the time it would be unbelievable! I was sooooooo PISSED, the worst part was I had no one to be mad at. Not that I would have turned down the job but sheeeesh, 90 day and I had to find a new doctor…Something has got to give!!!
I finally calmed down and gathered my thoughts and figured there has to be something out there temporarily. My Aunt suggesting looking into COBRA, a company that supplies temporary insurance after employment but that cost like $500 a months. I was looking for something closer to ummm FREE!
I must have searched the internet until my eyes were ready to fall out. I finally came across a few different programs: Health Plus, Medicaid, and PCAP (prenatal care assistance program). As I was looking deeper into each program I realized that I don't qualify for ANYTHING! Why you ask... income requirements. What I gathered from Medicaid and Health Plus is if you’re not POOR we can't help you because if you’re rich you can afford healthcare. But what about the Middle Class with a temporary situation? Who helps us? I even thought that I could possible qualify for PCAP. I definitely misread the qualifications and the PCAP phone operator lied to me (or mislead)! I was under the impression that ALL pregnant women receive FREE prenatal care NO MATTER WHAT-- not the case.
My prenatal service at the participating hospital I thought was free until I received a $678 bill. It ended up being voided but I still had to pay a $30 co-pay.  I can’t wait to talk about my first hospital visit!
My advice on gaps between jobs and benefits

  • Ask a thousand and one questions until you are sure
  • Try and have a back-up plan for insurance gaps
Wrap up question
Is there FREE prenatal services for middle class women?

~BK Mommy2Be


  1. Wow 30 days is a lot different than 90! I know how vulerable you feel when pregnant - nerve racking!

  2. Yes! This was a very stressful time for me.

    Thanks for reading!
